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About the Academy

The highest level of classical ballet training for the young student to the professional dancer; Building technique, musicality, coordination, & strength through structured classes; Community-focused with high value placed on respect, self-discipline, responsibility, and peer support.

What to Expect

We're new, or considering enrolling at IB... Where do we start?

  • Take a Trial Class

    • IB has open enrollment throughout the year, so if you're considering our academy, the best thing to do is call (864.879.9404) or email ( our office and find out the best class ​for your student to take as a (free) trial class.  Our staff will ask a few questions about prior training (if any), age, etc. and recommend the appropriate level and class for your student to try.  

    • Trial classes are just that - an opportunity for ​the student to become familiar with our studio, class structure, meet peer students, and feel comfortable in a non-threatening environment.  

  • Teacher Assessment​

    • Trial classes are also the best way for our teachers to assess the student among their peers and make the best recommendation for their placement and growth based on our academy structure and expectations.  

    • Most of the time, students will be taking a trial class in the appropriate level, or perhaps a level below their ability - our instructors will be able to provide the best recommendation based on their performance in the class and will inform office staff or you as the parent after class.

  • Registration

    • Once the appropriate level for your student has been determined, you can register in person at our office or online through our parent portal.  We have an annual registration fee of $50, but be sure to take advantage of discounted registration ($35) at the end of the school year during the End of Year Demonstration and the month of June.​  (Discounts for multiple children also apply)

What to Expect

Levels & Progression

  • Progression at IB is based on ability and maturity in addition to age.  Students can expect to spend 2-3 years in each level before progressing to the next level. 


  • Levels are color-coded at IB (see below).  Female students must wear a solid-colored leotard (any style, as long as there are no attached skirts) in the appropriate color, pink or flesh colored tights, pink or flesh colored ballet shoes, and hair secured neatly in a bun.  Male students must wear black tights or athletic pants, white t-shirt, white or black socks, and white or black ballet shoes.


  • Training at IB is split between 5 general levels, and includes supplemental classes depending on the age and abilities of the students.​​​

Levels & Progression

Starting Pointework

  • Beginning pointe-work is a very individual progression based on many factors, including: ankle strength, growth/development, proper/appropriate technical skill, dancer maturity, and age.


  • IB Instructors and School Director strongly believe in students progressing to pointe-work only when they are ready, and not based solely on age, peer progression, or time spent in a particular level.


  • Students in Ballet 2 and above will be assessed by their instructors for readiness to begin pointe-work, usually receiving word in January/February each year.  â€‹


  • Students who will be invited to progress to Ballet 3A in the upcoming academic year will be invited to audition for the IB Summer Intensive, which is the recommended entry experience for beginning pointe students.  Some (older) students may receive approval to begin in the middle of the year, and will be given specific guidance by the inviting instructor in this case.


  • ​Once recommended to begin pointe-work, students will visit the Sock Basket for a pointe-shoe fitting, and must show pointe shoes to an appropriate IB instructor for fit approval before sewing or keeping their shoes.​


Observation Weeks

  • IB classes operate with a "closed door" policy, but this shouldn't seem alarming.  We believe that our students (especially young ones) are able to be less distracted and focus on the learning process, rather than feeling like they are "on display" or needing to perform as they learn new material, learn to work with their peers, and begin to follow the guidance of their instructors.


  • Family and friends are invited to watch classes twice each year - once in the Fall semester and once in the Spring semester.  This provides an opportunity for parents (and grandparents!) to see progress throughout the year, with students demonstrating what they have learned as well as what is still in progress.  Pictures are welcome during Observation Week and we love to hear your feedback and shared photos!

Observation Weeks

Performing at IB

End of Year Demonstration

  • All students of IB are eligible and encouraged to perform in the End of Year Demonstration.  Instructors for each class/level will choreograph a dance specific to your student's class, and it will be performed in this final performance at the end of the year.  

  • As the name implies, this is meant to showcase the skills that your student has learned that year, and will be less focused on elaborate costuming or fitting a "theme" than to serve as a demonstration of the abilities and progress of the students in the class.

  • Families can expect simple costuming ($60 performance fee includes rental of a skirt/headpiece worn with your student's class-color leotard), age-appropriate choreography, and a short (approximately 1 hour) concert consisting of all levels of the academy to demonstrate the scope and artistic standards of the academy, including a special performance by our Special Needs adult dance class each year.

  • Currently, IB's End of Year Demonstration takes place at the Peace Center Gunter Theatre in downtown Greenville, and usually takes place the last Saturday in May, with a mandatory Dress Rehearsal the day before.  Students must commit to the performance by February in order to be included in the class dance.  

  • Performance fee is $60 per student and includes: costume/headpiece rental, performance DVD, and 2 tickets to the performance.  (Discount for multiple children may apply)

  • Ticketing is handled through the office and each family receives 2 tickets per student enrolled in the production as a part of their performance fee.  Additional tickets will be available for $10 each.​


Studio Performance Group (SPG)

  • SPG is a great way for students to develop performance ​skills and work together with peers form different levels.  This is a non-audition based class, where everyone enrolled is guaranteed a role (or multiple) each semester.

  • SPG is divided by semester, presenting a 30-40 minute mini-ballet for an in-studio performance in December and May of each year.  Students can enroll in Fall, Spring, or both.  Performances are in costume and use minimal sets/props.

  • Students learn the story, music, and choreography based on classical ballets.  Past performances have included: Swan Lake, Coppelia, Giselle, Cinderella, La Fille Mal Gardee, Don Quixote, and Snow White.​


International Ballet's "The Nutcracker" (Audition required)

  • Students ages 8 and up are eligible to audition for International Ballet's professional production of "The Nutcracker", performed each year at the Peace Center Concert Hall with the Greenville Symphony Orchestra.​

  • Performing in "The Nutcracker" is a serious commitment of time as well as a minimum requirement of volunteer hours from a parent.  Approved absences are limited and may result in casting changes if necessary.  Rehearsals take place on Saturday afternoons from September to December.

  • Casting for this production is based on many factors, including ability, costume requirements, overall height requirements, and technical proficiency.  Dancers are sometimes cast in understudy roles, which should be taken seriously, as casting is always subject to change.

  • Find out more about International Ballet's "The Nutcracker" audition here.​


International Ballet Youth Company (Audition required)

  • Students in Ballet 3A and up, who have had at least 2 years of pointe (or have been personally invited by IB Directors) are eligible to audition for International Ballet's youthCompany.  Open auditions usually take place on a Saturday, typically in mid-June during ​IB's Summer Intensive.

  • Acceptance into the company is selective, and all who audition will receive constructive feedback if they are not accepted.  Those who are selected will be held to a very high standard of time commitment, personal responsibility, and technical progress.

  • Dancers may be invited to three different levels of the company:

  • Senior Company - Senior members are guaranteed roles in each of International Ballet's mainstage performances and must meet specific training requirements (amount of classes per week, as well as pointe, variations, and contemporary).  Seniors sometimes perform roles in International Ballet's Storytime Ballet series presented at the Greenville County Library.

  • Junior Company - Junior members are guaranteed a role in The Nutcracker and usually perform in all of International Ballet's mainstage performances (thought not guaranteed). Juniors must meet specific training requirements (amount of classes per week, as well as pointe, variations, and contemporary).  Juniors often perform in International Ballet's Storytime Ballet series presented at the Greenville County Library 4 times each season.

  • Trainees - Trainees are invited as a first step into the company environment.  They are guaranteed a role in The Nutcracker, but are often assigned as understudies in the more challenging roles of International Ballet's mainstage performances (though not guaranteed).  Trainees  hone their performance and rehearsal skills by performing in International Ballet's Storytime Ballet series presented at the Greenville County Library 4 times each season. 

Performin at IBA
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